We are designing a fun new twist on the classic Haitian game, Haitian Casino, and YOU can help! Support our crowd funding efforts and get a deck of cards!
We're working with Zonbis to make the game fun for everyone.
We will introduce new characters and cards several times
We want to hear from you! Once you play, let us know what would be more fun!
Four characters inspired by VooDoo lore replace standard face card characters. Learn each character's story in the game!
Voodoo Priest
The sanest, but laziest of the characters.
Beast by night friend by day
Voodoo Priestess
The Voodoo Priestess casts spells on her enemies, creating new Zonbis wherever she goes.
The classic game includes fun features for families. Crowdfunding will support new characters and game mechanics!
More advanced players gain an advantage by counting cards.
Use your (basic) math skills to beat your opponents!
We are adding more cards to add elements to the game
The more the merrier, or so they say.
Yes, punishments! Win to punish your rivals!
A fun game to play with family, friends, or even enemies.
So far, everyone seems to like the game. Support our crowdfunding efforts to see if you agree!
A fun game to play with my kids who know a little math.
Some things we get asked a lot...
We will have different levels of rewards, but we can say that the basic game is ready to ship today, so if you back at a level that receives the game you are guaranteed to get the classic version.
Creating a fun game is expensive! We need art, game developers, game testers, printing, packaging, and game pieces (for punishments)
We are working out the expanded rules, and we will send every backer a copy of the rules for the classic game, which can be played with a standard deck of face cards.
We are launching our crowdfunding campaign in just a couple months. Be the first to know when we launch by signing up for updates today!